qui est Maketa64?

Maketa64 est née de ma passion pour les outils digitaux au service de projets environnementaux sur le thème du développement durable. Cet apprentissage des logiciels 3D a abouti à des idées d’estampes numériques empruntées de la forte identité basque qui m’entoure; des « images repères » de satin jean de Luz où j’habite et de ses environs. Des détails architecturaux, en passant par des motifs, des symboles de ma vie quotidienne, ainsi que des clins d’œil aux marques luzien es les plus connues.


Tom Gallant is a British artist that has exhibited internationally and is now based in the Basque country. With his passion for digital tools, Maketa 64 began as a reason to learn 3D software for sustainability and environmental projects; this has developed into an ongoing series of fine art prints. Developing 3D models, their material and environment into a series with a defined style has been the main focus since the start of Maketa64. The inspiration comes from Gallant’s immediate vicinity in the fishing town of St Jean de Luz, from architectural details to the motifs and symbols in daily life as well as twists on famous Luzien brands.